06 November 2021

Hello November

 hi. it's probably not long since i've posted right..?

tipu kalau cakap tak rindu.

tipu juga kalau cakap tak sayang.

i can't be selfish can i? the love that i've given and the love that you've given can't seem to be erased from my memories. 

the thought of disappearing off from this Earth is really just there but if you were to think back, it's not worth of doing it. 

keep on telling myself to continue to live and move on but the more im doing it, the harder it seems.

it started off with the items, followed by the clothes. followed by the photos. Photos can be deleted but the memories, the places are all intact in my mind, my head and worst is my heart. Forgetting is really hard.

Getting hurt seems like a normal nowadays. 

Lekaslah baik wahai bumi, kuingin bawa diriku jauh dari sini. Walau hanya seketika..